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Children's Church Sunday Mornings

Every Sunday except for the 1st Sunday of the month.

We believe that children should be included in the entire life of the church. However, we also want to give them time as their own small group to learn about God during a time that is focused on their learning styles and age level. So, we all start in worship together every Sunday, (this helps our Children learn what it means to celebrate and praise God, and to be a part of the worshipping community). With a special Children’s Message, often given by one of our many faithful congregation members, the children are taught the scripture story on their level and then they are invited up to their Sunday School Class for Christian Formation. On Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of the Month, we invite the entire church family to remain in worship for a family friendly service from beginning to end. Nursery is provided for all children 2 and younger all service and every Sunday.

Kid's Club for Elementary
Age Children (K-4th grade)

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Join us for a Youth Group for children in elementary grades, K-4.   We will grow and GLOW in our relationship with God, each other, and the community! Meetings may include activities such as gathering/music, bible study/devotional time, crafts, mission projects, games, activities, fellowship, and ALWAYS a lot of FUN!


WHO: Any child in grades K-4 does NOT have to be a member of Oakwood United Methodist Church


WHERE: Oakwood United Methodist Church 206 Hadley Avenue Dayton, OH 45419 


Click to find out more

Other Kid's Stuff Throughout the Year:

We offer a VBS Camp, Easter Egg Hunt, and a Christmas Play, as well as other special events throughout the year.

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Oakwood United Methodist Church

Worship is Sundays at 10:30am

206 Hadley Avenue

Dayton, OH 45419

(937) 293-7279


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